Your organization has set up a Facebook page and assigned the admins. And business is going to pour in now! Right? A few months down the road you realize no one has posted so you quickly throw something up. The likes, comments, and shares flood in, right? Or maybe there have been posts on and off of employee birthdays, ugly sweater contests, and cute memes. They raked in the likes, right?  If you answered with a “humph” to any of these questions, you are not alone.

The problem is so many nonprofits treat business Facebook pages like they do their own personal profiles. Many people do not understand that personal Facebook profiles and business Facebook pages are different in how you approach them. A Personal profile page is made to share and react to content. They are meant to consume information and move on. Posting a status update or sharing a post isn’t meant to reach anyone but your family and friends. The purpose is simply for entertainment, to share information, and to keep up with family and friends.
Successful business pages, in contrast, have a strategy and align with very specific business goals. To keep from being disappointed with your nonprofit business page, here are some helpful tips.
  1. Ask some questions about what you want to get out of your page. What is the purpose of your page? What business goals do you want your Facebook page to align with or help with? A business Facebook page is only worth doing if it helps meet your business goals. Otherwise, why are you using precious time and energy on it? I know it’s not because there isn’t enough nonprofit work to do!
  2. Determine how you will measure your progress. When do you know you’ve reached your goal? Knowing which metrics to use in Facebook Insights helps you quickly see where you are. Having goals lets you know how close you are to reaching them.
  3. Get on the same page. Do you have an editorial calendar or some other shared space between the admins so you know what is being posted and when? Are the posts assigned to any specific person? Having a plan is always good and having everyone working toward the same goal is even better! Editorial calendars are simply calendars you put what you are posting on what day and what time. (Yes, time is important with Facebook!)
  4. Be consistent. Do you have consistent content? Consistency is so important on Facebook. You can increase likes and reach quickly just by having a consistent time and day you post something. Being consistent with your messaging is also important!
  5. Content is King. Your content is important. It needs to have cohesive messaging and be something your audience is interested in. Remember, the more the content aligns with your audience’s interests, the more people see your posts!
Last, be aware that success can derail you. I’ve seen it time and time again with the nonprofits I work with. I come in, have some success with the page and someone on the admin team decides to post Wild Wild West style. They don’t consult the editorial calendar to see if there is another post scheduled. They don’t think about the business goals they are trying to attain and they don’t think about their content. The effects can range from annoying to
disastrous. One Wild Wild West post can set you back in countless fans. (Fans can unlike your page or even worse- hide your posts or report them.) Set procedures in place and make sure your admins follow them. Then, you won’t be derailed!
If you need some help getting your Business page on track or just want some training, contact me or check out my Social Media Services.

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