I am continuing the series where I give you posting ideas for each month. As we start February, I wanted to give you some ideas for March social media posts so you can make the time in February to create and schedule these posts. Working ahead whenever you can helps you keep your sanity. I’m giving you a list of national days so you can tailor days to your nonprofit. Go here for more days: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/march/



  • National Old Stuff Day– This day is to try something new. Use it to promote getting rid of things and donating to your organization. Use  #NationalOldStuffDay
  • National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day) (If on Weekend, Moves to Closest School Day)- What book have you read lately on your cause? What are your staff picks for best books? Ask your followers for their suggestions.
  • National Employee Appreciation Day (First Friday in March)- Who doesn’t like to be thanked? Spotlight employees from CEO to the frontline workers. Use this as a thank you to employees and as a way to tell donors how you solve your specific problem (cause).

3 National I Want You to be Happy Day– This day is meant to spotlight ways we can make other people happy. Use this day to show your employees doing random acts of kindness to each other and to clients. Challenge your followers to do the same and post their pictures. Use #IWantYouToBeHappyDay.

6 National Dress Day– Use this day to ask for career clothes for your cause, if applicable or to talk about memories of special occasions or events your organization has done. Tease galas coming up this year.

12 National Plant a Flower Day– Ask donors to “plant a seed” of impact for your cause by donating. Use in conjunction with an appeal letter with the same theme for added impact. Use metaphors like bloom.


  • National Good Samaritan Day– Have you had someone be a good Samaritan to your organization? Spotlight them! Think of random acts of kindness to post. Ask your followers to post pictures of their random acts of kindness.
  • National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day– Use this day to disspell any myths surrounding your organization or cause.

14 National Write Your Story Day– How are donors helping you write your story? What is your nonprofit’s story? How and why did you get started? Give some client stories. How is your organization helping them write their story? Use #WriteYourStoryDay.

19 National Let’s Laugh Day– Use today to share happy and funny stories. Share stories with positive outcomes.

23 National Near Miss Day– Is there a time your client or organization had a situation that could have turned out badly but didn’t? Share it today! Ask others to share a near miss story.

Nonprofit Specifics

1 National Horse Protection Day– If your organization is horse related, you can use this day to raise awareness of your cause and protecting horses.

2 National Dress in Blue Day (First Friday in March)- This day is to raise awareness for colon cancer.


  • National Soup it Forward Day– This day is intended for you to share a bowl of soup. Soup kitchens and food related causes can use this day to promote your cause and ask for donations to “Soup it Forward”.  Use #HugInABowl and #SoupItForwardDay
  • National Anthem Day– This day celebrates the creation of the National Anthem. If you are a historical nonprofit, use this to give a history lesson and relate it to your cause. You can also go patriotic on this day.

4 National Hug a G.I. Day– Veteran and Military related causes can use this day to promote their cause.

6 National Frozen Food Day– If you have a food related cause, use today to spotlight it.


  • National Pack Your Lunch Day– For food related cause, use to raise awareness about your cause.
  • National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day– For causes who specifically deal with this issue, use for awareness.


  • National Girl Scout Day– Celebrate if you are a Girl Scout! Have troops take pictures of the group or in activities and post.(With Photo Releases, of course.)
  • National Napping Day – Day after Return of Daylight Saving Day- Use to spotlight the plight of homeless clients and not having a safe place to nap.

13 National K9 Veterans Day– Pet related causes and Veteran related causes can use this day to acknowledge the role dogs play in law enforcement and the military. Think of ways to partner pet related causes with law enforcement and the military to increase your reach.


  • National Pi Day– Math related causes and food related causes can use this one. Food related causes can play on the words Pi and Pie. Use #NationalPiDay.
  • National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day – Second Wednesday in March- For food related causes. Celebrate Registered Dietitians.
  • National Children’s Craft Day– For kid’s causes, have a kid’s craft and post pictures.
  • National Learn About Butterflies Day– For conservation causes, use this day to educate about your cause and its connection to butterflies.

15 National Shoe the World Day– For international causes, use to raise awareness of your need and cause.


  • National Farm Rescuer Day– If you have an agriculture, farm, or farmer related cause, use this day to appreciate farmers and conservation efforts by farmers.
  • National Freedom of Information Day– This day can be for historical causes or causes in general. For historical causes, this day celebrates the birthday of President James A Madison. For everyone else, use this day to be transparent to celebrate.
  • National Panda Day– For conservation and animal causes, use today to spotlight your work.

18 National Supreme Sacrifice Day– For Veteran’s causes, use today to remember those who sacrificed.

19 National Certified Nurses Day– If your cause has certified nurses, celebrate and thank them!

23 National Puppy Day – (Typically celebrated on March 23rd, however observed on a Friday or Monday when falling on a weekend.) Need I say more?


  • National Medal of Honor Day– For Veteran’s causes, use to talk about Medal of Honor recipients and how you help.
  • National Tolkien Reading Day– For Literacy causes, use today to promote reading.

26 Epilepsy Awareness Day – Purple Day- Use to promote your Epilepsy related cause.

27 National American Diabetes Association Alert Day – Fourth Tuesday in March- Diabetic and health related causes can use this to promote prevention and how your cause is fighting this disease.

29 National Vietnam War Veterans Day– For veteran related causes, use today to celebrate and remember these veterans. Tell how your organization helps them.


  • National Doctors Day– Do you work with Doctors in your nonprofit? Give them a shout out today.
  • National I Am in Control Day– For mental health professionals, use to give tips for how to feel more in control.
  • National Take a Walk in the Park Day– For conservation and park related causes, use to shed light on your cause. For health related causes, use this day to suggest taking a walk and the health benefits.

31 National Prom Day– For teen related causes, use this day to remind teenagers of the dangers of drinking and driving, destructive behaviors, or other related health concerns. You can also celebrate the right of passage and share how your organization made Prom possible for a young person.

March Monthly Observations



Medical Related Causes

Endometriosis Awareness Month

National Brain Injury Awareness Month

Multiple Sclerosis Month

National Kidney Month

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

National Trisomy Awareness Month


Financial Related Causes

National Credit Education Month


Food/ Nutrition Related Causes

National Flour Month

National Frozen Food Month

National Noodle Month

National Nutrition Month

National Peanut Month

National Sauce Month

National Caffeine Awareness Month



National Music in Our Schools Month

National Professional Social Work Month


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