Now is the time to start making plans to fund your mission. Did you know that 53.8% of nonprofits start planning their year-end appeal campaign in October? Did you know that 59.9% of nonprofits make between 1-3 donor “touches” for their year-end campaign? That campaign usually includes appeal letters! Did you know 28% of nonprofits raise 26-50% of their annual funds from their year-end ask? Would you like to be in that 28%? What could you do with those funds? To help you through the process, the entire month of October will be dedicated to Appeal letters.


What do I have planned?

Every Thursday I have a blog post coming out to help you put together your campaign. The first post is an integrated appeal campaign. You’ll learn what an integrated appeal campaign is and why it is important (hint: it’s the amount of money you can raise). Next, is a three-part series all about the appeal letter writing process.

Check Mathis Nonprofit Services’ social media (Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn) for some appeal writing tips, videos, and resources for your year-end campaign. I have so much planned!

There will be some free templates given only to my email list and Facebook group, At the Top: Small Nonprofit Leaders. The first package – How to Have a Successful MultiChannel Campaign- will be available to those groups. It is a pre-made integrated campaign complete with instructions and a customizable

  • Direct mail and initial email
  • Reply Device
  • Follow up Email (It can also be used as a follow up direct mail letter).
  • Website Landing Page Copy (for use on your online giving page) and
  • Thank You Letter/ Email

I think you will find it helpful and time-saving! Not to mention- free! Yes, I debated a long time about making it free. I kept telling myself,  “this is too good to be free”. In the end, I wanted to make it available to everyone because I know new nonprofits struggle with funding.


What can you do to prepare for October?

  1. Finish your website.
  2. Sign up for paypal for nonprofits, click and pledge,  or other online payment option.
  3. Get your email service provider (if you don’t have one yet). I like MailChimp because the free account gives you 2,000 emails and a lot of functionality.
  4. If you haven’t joined the email list or the Facebook group, At the Top: Small Nonprofit Leaders, go ahead and do that.

I’ll see you next week when we let the fun begin!

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