It’s time to think about posts for February and what you will need to get those posts scheduled. I’m walking you through some ideas to help get your creativity flowing. For more days you can go to


2- Groundhog Day- What are you constantly in need of? Use Groundhog Day to ask for those things. Think the movie Groundhog Day, where the day is repeated over and over. If your cause is conservation, use the sighting or non-sighting of the shadow to highlight conservation tips for winter or spring.

4- National Thank a Mail Carrier Day- Give a shout out to the person who delivers your mail and takes good care getting the donations to your nonprofit. Use #ThankAMailCarrierDay to post on social media.

7- National Send a Card to a Friend Day- Send a virtual card via post to your supporters thanking them for being a friend to the cause. (Have your Founder, ED, or Chairman of the Board send out personal notes to major donors.)

11- National Make a Friend Day- Celebrate new friends to the organization. Ask your supporters to share your cause as they talk to friends so you can make new friends too. Use #NationalMakeAFriendDay to post on social media.

14- Valentine’s Day- Post pictures or videos of your CEO, clients, and employees telling your supporters how much you love and appreciate them.

17- National Random Act of Kindness Day- What random act of kindness has your nonprofit experienced? What random act of kindness can you do? Share in posts.

19- President’s Day- This day is set aside, by more and more of America’s population, to honor all of the past United States Presidents that have served our country. Does your charity have a connection to a president? Tell the story. If not, celebrate your ED/President/CEO.

22- National Chili Day- Have a series of posts where your employees give their favorite chili recipe either in writing with a picture or by video throughout the day. You can also show clients enjoying or cooking chili (if you are a food-related organization!).

26- National Tell a Fairytale Day- What would the world look like if your cause was solved? Tell your supporters about it.

Nonprofit Specific

1- National Freedom Day (Freedom From Slavery)- history related causes

2- National Wear Red Day- Heart Disease related causes

3- National Missing Person Day- causes who deal with missing persons

4- National Create a Vacuum Day- science or STEM-related causes can post a how-to experiment creating a vacuum.

7- National Periodic Table Day- science or STEM-related causes can post an experiment related to National Periodic Table Day being done by clients

8- National Boy Scouts Day- What is your Troup up to?

11- National Shut-In Visitation Day- Meal Delivery or related causes can post a picture of someone visiting a shut-in. If the weather is cold, remind people to check in on their friends, neighbors, and loved ones today.

14- National Organ Donor Day- medical related causes can post a story about why a donor donated.

16- National Caregivers Day- causes who deal with or have caregivers can spotlight a caregiver.

20- National Love Your Pet Day- Animal Rescues and other pet-related causes can post pictures of adoptable pets, people who have adopted pets, or employees with their pets.

23- National Dog Biscuit Day- Animal Rescues and other pet-related causes can post adoptable dogs with a dog biscuit. The caption could read “I’m celebrating National Dog Biscuit Day! How are you celebrating?”

28- Rare Disease Day- medical and rare disease causes can use today to gain awareness by posting about your cause.

February Monthly Observations

  • American Heart Month
  • Black History Month
  • Canned Food Month- food/hunger-related causes
  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month- children’s and violence prevention-related causes


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