What is DIY Fundraising?

DIY Fundraising (Do It Yourself Fundraising) is a method of fundraising that requires individuals or groups to put together and execute a fundraiser on the organization’s behalf. Well known DIY Fundraisers are Golf Tournaments put on by one group and benefiting a nonprofit. But DIY Fundraisers can be anything individuals or groups want to raise funds which benefit a nonprofit.

  • The number one pro is that the whole event is planned and executed by a third party.
  • The nonprofit has very little duties and receives a check at the end of the event.
  • DIY Fundraisiers require a minimal time and staff commitment.
  • Since there is a minimal investment by the nonprofit, return on investment is high.
  • The organization has little control over the event unless the Event Contract spells out limitations.
  • The sole responsibility of the event falls on the third party.
  • If the contract doesn’t spell out things like no alcohol at the event or how to market the nonprofit, then the nonprofit is at the mercy of the third party.
  • The third party can have unrealistic expectations about the event or the nonprofit’s involvement in the event.
  • If donations aren’t handled properly, it can cause problems for all involved.

How Do We Get Started?

Put DIY Event Fundraising in Your Fundraising Plan

Planning helps you raise more money and gives you goals. Putting your DIY Fundraising goals in your fundraising plan is a good way to keep DIY Fundraising front and center. It also helps you focus on reaching your goal. Maybe this year your goal is one DIY Fundraising Event. Each year, add another to the number. Your DIY Fundraising will become a great source of funds in no time.

Create an Event Agreement

A lot of problems can be prevented by an agreement. Agreements spell out the expectations for each side and any limitations. Diabetes Hope Foundation does a good job of spelling things out with their forms. Check them out at http://diabeteshopefoundation.com/content/fundraising-agreement

Advertise You Are Open to DIY Fundraising
  • Put it on your website.
  • Create a DIY Fundraising Event page on your website.
  • Define what DIY Fundraising is to your organization.
  • Put the impact a DIY Fundraiser has on your organization.
  • Give event ideas the organization would be willing for a third party to do.
  • Use pictures.
  • Post on Facebook groups or individuals who do DIY Fundraisers for you.
  • Mention DIY Fundraisers when you speak to clubs or organizations.
  • Ask for DIY Fundraisers on social media. Make it a regular promotion.

DIY Event Fundraising Ideas

Ideas for DIY Fundraisers

Car Wash
Lemonade stand
Golf Tournament
Restaurant fundraiser
Sponsor miles in a Marathon
Bicycle ride fundraiser
Classic Car Show
Bike Ride

Updated: Here are 200+ Ideas from Wild Apricot that can give you more ideas to suggest for your DIY fundraising. This article is great because it breaks down each idea by cost, anticipated revenue, and planning difficulty. You also get some of the challenges that come with the fundraiser and suggestions to overcome the challenge.








Ideas from the UK


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