Training & Mentoring

for Founders, Executive Directors, and Board Members

I know the look. That glassy-eyed look when you start talking about nonprofit management and fundraising. You would think Sheldon was explaining anything science to Penny! Yeah, that look. But not with me. I light up when someone mentions the words appeal letter or fundraising! I’ve designed these coaching programs so you can have a place to conquer your greatest challenge and have someone who knows the lingo to bounce ideas off of and help you get your nonprofit where you want it.

Registering Now for February 2020!

Get It Done Training 

Based on the book I Have My 501(c)3! Now What?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder, each training goes more in-depth into the steps. 

Step 1: Getting Board Members Training (February 10th- 13th)

Step 3: Building a Tactical Plan and Budget (April)

Step 4: Creating Your Signature Program that Prepares You for Grants (June)

Step 6: Define Your Ideal Donor (August)

Step 9: Fundraising Basics- Get Your First 100 Donors (October)

Registering Now for March 2020!

Get It Done Boot Camp

Create Your Fundraising Plan March 23-27 (4 days)

Write Your Annual Report May (4 days)

New to Fundraising or the Nonprofit World?

There is no better place to start than with a get it Done Training or Boot Camp. These short workshops help you get unstuck and show you exactly what you need to do.

Get It Done Training is a short multi-day workshop designed to follow the book I Have My 501(c)3! Now What?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder and give you a deeper knowledge and the skills you need to complete the step.

Get It Done Boot Camps are short multi-day workshops designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need to get that one thing off your plate.

No matter if you choose the Get It Done Training or Boot Camp, you will have access to a private Facebook group where you and your fellow group members will be able to share your struggles and your wins. You are not alone!  (You might even find a friend who can talk your lingo!)

When you are done with any program, you will walk away with a solid plan of attack and the skills to get it done.

Choose the Mentoring program if you need one on one time with me each week to walk through a particular challenge you are facing. We will walk through the challenge, form some action steps, and have some accountability to take the necessary measures to propel you forward.

No matter which program you chose, I know you’ve got this!

Get It Done Training

Get It Done Training is a short multi-day workshop designed to follow the book I Have My 501(c)3! Now What?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder and give you a deeper knowledge and the skills you need to get that one thing off your plate.

Who Benefits from Get It Done Boot Camps?

  • You know you need it done but don’t know where to begin.
  • You’ve read the book and need some extra guidance.
  • You need the focused time and accountability to get it done and off your plate.

Step 1: Getting Board Members  (February 10th- 13th)

This intense 4- day Get It Done Training walks you through identifying potential Board members and creating your Board Decision Package. Our goal is to have you set up and ready to recruit your first Board.


February 10th– (7-8 pm)- Video Call– What is a Board? Including responsibilities, and who you want on your Board, Homework- Board Matrix

February 11th– (7-8 pm)- Video Call– Board Decision Package

February 12th– (2-3 pm)- Office Hours– Answer questions and walk through specific challenges.

February 13th– (7-8 pm)- Video Call- We put everything together and you get the opportunity to recruit us by walking through your presentation. Constructive feedback.

What’s Included:

  • Worksheets to help you organize your information
  • Templates- including a Potential Board Decision Package
  • A process to recruit Board members

Price    $25 per person

You may order the book I Have My 501(c)3! Now What?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder on Amazon at the link below.


Get It Done Boot Camps

Get It Done Boot Camps are short multi-day workshops designed give you the knowledge and skills you need to get that one thing off your plate.

Who Benefits from Get It Done Boot Camps?

  • You know you need it done but don’t know where to begin.
  • You know a little but not a lot and need some extra guidance.
  • You need the focused time and accountability to get it done and off your plate.

Create a Fundraising Plan Boot Camp

(March 23rd- 27th)

This intense 5- day Get It Done Boot Camp walks you through writing a Fundraising Plan with the goal of having a ready to implement plan at the end. There are 3 video calls and Get It Done Days in Between. This is the exact process I use to create Fundraising Plans that generate more income than the organization has seen. A $199 value.


March 23rd-  (7- 8 pm)- Video Call– Introduction, Why a Fundraising Plan (to help you convince the nay-sayers), Current Assessment, Identify Your Assets, Homework

March 24th– (7-8 pm)- Video Call– The Roadmap, Homework

March 25th– Get It Done Day- Catch up on Homework

March 26th– (2-3 pm)- Facebook Live Office Hours in private Facebook Group- Questions can be posted in advance and be found on replay.

March 27th– (2-3 pm)- Video Call– Monitor and Refine, Wrap Up, Answer any Lingering Questions

What’s Included:

  • Fundraising Plan Template
  • Workbook to help you organize your information,
  • Income Plan spreadsheet,
  • Replays of video calls

Price    $25 per person

One on One Private Mentoring

One month intensive Mentoring program for Founders, Board Members, Executive Directors, and Fundraising Leaders. This program will help you with one topic specific to you as it relates to funding or managing a nonprofit.


You Will Receive

  • 90-minute Video Coaching Call session once a week.
  • Daily email access to me
  • Goal Setting and Action Steps
  • Accountability with weekly email and texting option
  • Email with a Video replay of Coaching Call
  • Focus on one topic
  • Access to Facebook private mastermind group for one month and one year access with paid mentorship


Mentoring topics:

  • Donor Retention
  • Fundraising Plan
  • Appeal Letter Writing
  • Board Engagement
  • Building a Board
  • Program Development
  • Identifying Your Ideal Donor
  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Fundraising Ideas/ Basics
  • Time Management for One Person Departments


Topic Chosen by Participant

Limit: 3 people

 Contact Alesha for availability.



Still on the fence? That’s okay! Coaching isn’t for everyone and the right fit is most important. There is only one way to find out. Book your informational (and no pressure) call today to see if we are a good fit!

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