A Note from Alesha
Hello, As I went to write another blog post, I thought writing a letter to you would be better. We are in unprecedented times after all. First, I want you to know you are not alone. I want to encourage you to continue. Don’t give up. Yes, things have gotten harder....
How to Make Your Corporate List for Your Event Sponsorship
Events are one way to create income in your nonprofit. They can be expensive but if you are in your second year of operation or longer, they can be profitable. Sponsorships are the key to that profitability. Let’s talk about obtaining corporate sponsors for your next...
Event Marketing: Who, What, When, Why? Reaching the people who matter for your next nonprofit event
Melissa Russom (https://melissarussom.com/) is a strategic communications consultant who empowers organizations to engage more meaningfully with the people who matter most to propel their missions forward. She is a guest blogger today and is digging into fundraising...
How To: Basic DIY Fundraising for Nonprofits to Increase Their Bottom Line
What is DIY Fundraising? DIY Fundraising (Do It Yourself Fundraising) is a method of fundraising that requires individuals or groups to put together and execute a fundraiser on the organization’s behalf. Well known DIY Fundraisers are Golf Tournaments put on by...