A Note from Alesha

A Note from Alesha

Hello, As I went to write another blog post, I thought writing a letter to you would be better. We are in unprecedented times after all. First, I want you to know you are not alone. I want to encourage you to continue. Don’t give up. Yes, things have gotten harder....
How to Make Your Corporate List for Your Event Sponsorship

How to Make Your Corporate List for Your Event Sponsorship

Events are one way to create income in your nonprofit.  They can be expensive but if you are in your second year of operation or longer, they can be profitable. Sponsorships are the key to that profitability. Let’s talk about obtaining corporate sponsors for your next...
Event Planning Tips From Local Experts

Event Planning Tips From Local Experts

Events take a lot of time and planning. If they are part of your Fundraising Plan, they can help you get to your fundraising goals. For fun,  I asked a few local experts in the nonprofit world who plan events several times a year to give me their best tips. What...

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