What You Need to Know Before You Hire a Grant Writer

What You Need to Know Before You Hire a Grant Writer

Are You Ready to Hire a Grant Writer?   First, your 501c3 nonprofit organization needs to be ready for grants. (I covered how to be grant ready in Is Your Nonprofit Ready for Grant Money? Part 1 and Part 2). If you decide a grant writer is for you, here are some...
Is Your Nonprofit Ready for Grant Money? Pt 2

Is Your Nonprofit Ready for Grant Money? Pt 2

In the last post, we discussed getting your nonprofit organizationally and operationally ready for Grants. In this post, we’ll talk about being financially and programmatically ready. Financial You must have an operating budget. This should be a yearly budget...
How to Create a Letter of Inquiry System and Cheat Sheet

How to Create a Letter of Inquiry System and Cheat Sheet

Systems are an important part of nonprofit life. Systems help improve efficiency and train employees. Did you know systems can be used in grant writing to help make writing faster and keep the grant writer from never forgetting a detail? So, you’ve researched...

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