I Have a 501(c)3! Now What?!?

I Have a 501(c)3! Now What?!?

My #1 most asked question by Founders goes like this: I have my 501(c)3! Now what? Founders have jumped through all the hoops of getting the idea in their head to an idea on paper but how do you get it from paper to reality? Most Founders I talk to have never worked...
5 Free Tools Every Church Should Be Using

5 Free Tools Every Church Should Be Using

Social Media tools help you efficiently reach your social media goals. Efficiency is especially important with the limited resources of a church. Here is a list of the five free social media tools that nonprofits can’t succeed without. 1. Editorial Calendar An...
March Social Media Posts That Get Your Cause Noticed

March Social Media Posts That Get Your Cause Noticed

I am continuing the series where I give you posting ideas for each month. As we start February, I wanted to give you some ideas for March social media posts so you can make the time in February to create and schedule these posts. Working ahead whenever you can helps...
Successful Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits

Successful Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits

“We’re just starting out and don’t have a lot of original content or a program to promote but we need a social media presence. What do we post?” This is a dilemma I hear often. I always recommend a social media strategy called 4-1-1. It comes from social media experts...

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