I am continuing the series where I give you posting ideas for each month.This time it’s April. I’ve included some notes that are COVID-19 specific so you can fit the post to more relevant times. I’m giving you a list of national days so you can tailor days to your nonprofit. Go here for more days: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/april/




  • April Fools Day- a great day to host a no show gala! Otherwise, does your organization have a practical joker? Spotlight them. Is there a tasteful prank you can play or help others play on social media that relates to your cause?
  • National Walking Day – First Wednesday in April
    • (nonprofit specific) if you are a health-related nonprofit, then use this day to focus on the benefits walking has on your cause.
  • Childhelp National Day of Hope – First Wednesday in April- (nonprofit specific)- how can your audience help a child? Consider this a promotional post if you ask for donations or in kind.












  • National Blame Someone Else Day – First Friday the 13th of the Year- Who are you blaming for the things that go wrong today? Your supporters and employees can have fun with this by posting selfies with who you blame. Use #BlameSomeoneElseDay to post on social media.













Nonprofit Specifics





  • Childhelp National Day of Hope – First Wednesday in April- This day is usually observed by lighting a 5 wick candle and observing a 5-minute silence represents the approximately 5 children who die every day as a result of abuse in the United States. Fight to end child abuse and us #ChildhelpNationalDayOfHope to post on social media. Hold a vigil and write a press release to raise awareness for your child abuse cause.



  • SAAM Day of Action – First Tuesday in April- Nationally recognized in the United States and observed annually as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), SAAM Day of Action provides a day for your sexualt assault awareness cause to focus awareness on sexual violence prevention. Human Trafficking causes can piggyback on this cause as a way to talk about Human Trafficking.





  • National Pet Parents Day – Last Sunday in April- This is for pet rescues. Ask pet parents to post pictures of their fur babies on your page. Or did you have an adoption on Saturday. Post pictures of the new families!


April Monthly Observations https://nationaldaycalendar.com/april-monthly-observations/


National Month of Hope *- Here are some great recommendations from the website:

Everyone needs a little hope now and then.  Spread a little sunshine their way and bring some hope into their lives.

  • Volunteer by reading to children in schools
  • Experience meaningful and healthy communication with loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, and colleagues
  • Giving of time, food, and money to help families in need
  • Minister to those incarcerated by writing letters and visiting
  • Post on social media words of hope
  • Sharing your story of overcoming with those who are going through hard times
  • Lending a helping hand to those in need
  • Cleaning up areas where there is trash such as parks and beaches
  • Spend a day with the homeless whether on the streets in shelters, etc. “Unless you walk a mile in their shoes you won’t know how to help!”
  • What hope can your nonprofit give in light of COVID-19?
  • Use #NationalHopeMonth to share your hope on social media.

National Canine Fitness Month– Pet Causes- How do the canines in your care get their exercise? Make a list of Lead Magnets you could offer throughout the month. Examples: “Ways to Exercise Your Canine Friend that Isn’t a Walk” or “Dog Friendly Places Resource List”.

National Internship Awareness Month–  Have an intern? Celebrate them. Want an intern? Use this month to let people know you want one.

Distracted Driving Awareness Month- Transportation causes can use this month to gain awareness for their cause and the solution they have for distracted driving.

National Child Abuse Awareness Month- For Child Abuse Causes. Tips for How to Identify Child Abuse or Resources for those Abused 

National Fair Housing Month- For financial and housing causes. Tips for Fair Housing Lead Magnet.

National Autism Awareness Month- For Autism causes.

National Humor Month- What can you find humorous? Once a week tell a corny joke.

National Volunteer Month- Celebrate your volunteers with a volunteer spotlight each week and an appreciation celebration. Take a group picture and post it on Social Media.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month- For Sexual Assault causes.

Stress Awareness Month- How are you stressed? For mental health causes, create and promote a “5 Unexpected Ways to Reduce Stress” Lead Magnet.

There you have it. Schedule your posts. If you have questions, send me an email or message me on Facebook!

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