Fundraising strategies build on each other. It took me years to figure that out. Probably because I started out in an established development department that had the basics and they were working on advanced strategies. It wasn’t until I started planning out the stages in Nonprofit Nation that I realized how each strategy builds on another. Missing basic elements builds an unsustainable and unstable fundraising foundation.


What are the first three fundraising tactics every nonprofit needs?


1. Ideal Donor


The ideal donor has the characteristics of the person most likely to give to your cause. Many people make this complicated with pages and pages of data. But not all of that data is necessary when you realize the purpose of the ideal donor is to find them and create messages that attract them. That’s it. But it makes fundraising so much easier.


2.  Message


Once you have your ideal donor, getting your messaging right to that donor is critical. Talking to your donor in a way that resonates with them helps you communicate your mission. When people like your mission, they gift. Consistent messaging is also important to communicate clearly to your donors.


3.  Plan


A fundraising plan is a written document that lays out your strategies for a year. The purpose is to keep your focus consistent in your fundraising. It also helps you feel confident knowing where and how your funding will come in.

Getting the first three basic fundraising tactics in place will help you raise significantly more money then without these tactics. If you would like to knock the ideal donor out quickly, join the Define Your Ideal And Loyal Donor Five Day Challenge by registering. We will be defining your ideal donor September 21-25 so register now.

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